Trilite 100 Series provides you with a sleek streamlined series of lightweight trussing products in a range of styles to suit your needs.
Trilite 200 is a highly versatile, strong 2-inch aluminium tube truss system used in exhibition halls all over the world. It is quick and easy to assemble and has great length to weight and load-bearing qualities.
Trilite 210 Series is the original 2″ truss system, perfect for all types of structures. It is easy to assemble and has an excellent weight to load capacity.
Trilite 18+ is extremely strong and excellent for the load-bearing truss system. This series of truss is usually used for large temporary and permanent structures where high strength, versatility, and aesthetics are required.
At Trilite we provide a quick yet high standard of service and have our own specialist design team who will work with you to customize the supports to suit your needs. Contact us for more details!